ch 1 silence and stillness
when u lose touch with your inner stillness
u lose touch with urself
when u lose touch with urself
u lose urself in the world
ur innermost sense of self of who u r is inseperable from stillness
it is the i am, which is deeper then name and form
stillness is ur essential nature.
what is stillness
an inner ence or awareness in which these words are being perceived and become thoughts
without that awareness there wud be no perception....... no thoughts....... no world.
u r that awareness disguised as a person
the equivalent of external noise is the inner noise of thinking
the equvalent of external silence is inner stillness
whenever there is some silence around u...... listen to it. that means just notice it, pay attention to it
listening to silence awakens the dimention of stillness within urself
because it is only thrugh stillness that u can be aware of silence
see that in the moment of noticing the silence around u u r not thinking... u r aware but not thinking
when u become aware of silence immediately that enacts inner sence of alertness. u r present. you have stepped out of thousand of years of collective human conditioning
look at a tree, a flower, a plant.
let ur awareness rest upon it
how still they are how deeply rooted in being
allow nature to teach u stillness
when u lok at a tree and perceive it stillness, u become still urself
u connect with it at a very deep level
u feel a oneness in what ever u perceive in an through stillness
feelings of oneness of urself with all things is love
silence is helpful but u dont need it in order to find stillness. even if there is noise u can be aware of stillness underneathe tht noise of space n which the nise arises
that is the inner space of awareness.. consiousness itself
u can become aware of awareness as the background of all ur sense perceptions or ur thinking
becoming aware of awareness is he ariving of stillness
any disturbing noise can be as helpful as silence.
by dropping ur inner resitance to noise.. by allowing it to be as it is. this acceptance also takes u in the round of inner peace that is stillness
whenever u deeply accept this moment as it is, no matter hwat form it takes u r still. u r at peace.
pay attention to the gap. the gap b/w tw thoughts. the breif silence space between words in a conversation
b/w the nodes of the piano or flute.. between the inbreaths and ut breaths.
when u pay attention to those gaps, the awareness of something becomes just awareness
true intelligence operates silently
n silence cretaivty and solutions to problems are found.
is stillness just absense of noise and content. no! its the intelligence itself.
the underlying form of consiousness thoorugh which every form is born
and how cud that be seperate from who u r
the form u think u r came out of that and is being sustained by it.
itsis th essense of all galaxies and blads of grass. of all flowers trees birds and all other forms
stillness is the only thing in this world which has no form, but then it is really not a thing and it is not of this world
when u look at a tree or human being in stillness who is looking
something deeper then ther person, consiousness is looking at its creation
do u need more knowledge... is more information going t save the world or faster comuters
is it not wisdome that humanity needs most at this time
but what is wisdom and where is it to be found?
wisdom comes with the ability to be still
just look and just listen. no more is needed
to be still look and listen activates the non conceptual intelligence within u
let stillness direct ur words and actions.
ch 2
beyond the thinking mind
most ppl spend their whole lives in the confines of their own thoughts
they never go beyond the narrowminded sense of self that is conditioned by past.
in each of us there is a dimention of consiousness that is far deeper then thought and that is the eswssence of who we r
we may call it presnece, awareness, the unconditioned consiousness. fnding that consiousness frees u and the world from the sufferings u inflict on urself and others
love joy creative expansion and lasting inner peace cannot come into ur life except through that unconditioned dimension consiousness.
if u can recognize even occasionallly, the thots tat go thorugh ur mind as just thoughts. if u can witness urself ur own mental emotional reactive patterns as they happen. then that dimension is already emerging in u as awareness in whi ch
thoughts and emotions happen
th consious inner sace in which the content of ur ife unfolds..
the stream of thinking has an enormous momentum that cud drag u along with it..